About Us

Short Story

About Aces

ACES offers Tchoukball Exposure, Tchoukball Team Building Workshop, Learn-To-Play Tchoukball Programme for Schools, Organisations, Corporate Companies.

Our school programmes are SEP approved and we can customized them for your school, as well as conducting up to cohort level with our big team of eligible SEP coaches.

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Why Choose Us

We provide an extensive suites of services customised to your requirements.

SEP Endorsed Programmes

All our programmes are SEP endorsed.

Qualified Coaches

All our coaches are Sport SG, MOE and SEP certified,

Quantity of Coaches

We have the quantity of coaches to support a cohort level programme.

Customised Programmes

We can cater to your requirements and plan a programme especially for you.

Quality Equipments

All our equipments are FITB endorsed and safe for the programmes.


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